We run events both virtually online via Zoom and also in person in various locations around the UK. Some of our events are open to non-members to attend. If you are interested in attending one of our public events please take a look below at what is coming up.
In addition, if you are in need of bespoke or internal training we are able to facilitate training workshops, listening sessions and groups on request. If you are interested in something that is not available below, please get in touch to talk to our team.
In Person: HoC Maturity Matrix 2024 Launch
House of Commons London, United KingdomMM Section: ALL This drinks reception will be held at the Palace of Westminster and marks the launch of the new cycle of the Maturity Matrix cycle. We will be celebrating organisations committed to creating ethnically inclusive environments by investing in the ethnicity agenda, and the success and progress organisations have made on their ethnicity […]
VIRTUAL ACTION GROUP: Investing in Ethnicity Matrix Drop-In
MM Section: ALL We go through the Maturity Matrix and hear from guest speakers who have successfully completed the Matrix and how it has helped their ethnicity journey. An opportunity to chat through the Matrix and ask any questions. Who is it for? DEI Leaders Format? Action Group Registration: admin@investinginethnicity.org For further information email: admin@investinginethnicity.org
In Person: Executive Breakfast
DLA Piper 160 Aldersgate Street, LondonDescription: Networking breakfast and roundtable discussion aimed at executives and senior leadership to bolster leadership engagement on the ethnicity agenda. The day's agenda includes introducing our Business Case for DEI Report, discussions of risk of not engaging with DEI, and opportunities for networking with peers from other organisations. Who is it for? Executives, Senior Leadership […]
In Person: Future Leaders Conference
MM Section: ALL This conference is aimed at early careers and entry level colleagues of an ethnic minority heritage. Attendees will be empowered and confident about navigating their career journey and their professional development after attending 2 insightful workshops on getting a mentor/sponsor and the value of personal branding. Be sure to stay for the […]
In Person: Future Leaders 2024 Conference
Amazon UK 1 Principal Place, London, United KingdomMM Section: ALL This conference is aimed at early careers and entry level colleagues of an ethnic minority heritage. Attendees will be empowered and confident about navigating their career journey and their professional development after attending 2 insightful workshops on getting a mentor/sponsor and the value of personal branding. Be sure to stay for the […]
In Person: DE&I West Midlands Hub
HSBC UK, Birmingham 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham, United KingdomMM Section: ALL In this round table we’ll discuss where the West Midlands is on latest thinking on ethnicity and the race agenda, while promoting networking and collaboration with other regional DE&I representatives. This session is for DE&I professionals and those working on organisational change on race and ethnicity. For ease, register for the round […]
Virtual: Allyship Workshop
ZoomMM Section: Network Group In this drop-in session, we go through understanding racism in the workplace (macro and micro), Allyship: My identity and how to use it for good and an introduction to the Allies Toolkit Time and date: Tuesday 27th August 2024, 1pm – 1:45pm Who is it for? Network Group Leads/members, Allies Format? […]
In Person Workshop: Network Group
Legal and General 1 Coleman Street, LondonMM Section: Network Group Half day workshops and networking opportunities for network committee members/chairs. Agenda includes workshops on running a network, committee structure and engaging membership and allies Who is it for? Network Group Leads/members, Allies Format? Workshop Registration: Members must ensure they have registered and received a QR code to guarantee entry. To register, […]
In Person Workshop: Black History Month Mixer – hosted by National Grid
National Grid 1-3 Strand, London, United KingdomMM Section: Network Group A mixer for professionals and allies as part of black history month. Who is it for? Network Group Leads/members, Allies Format? Workshop Registration: Members must ensure they have registered and received a QR code to guarantee entry. To register, email admin@investinginethnicity.org . For further information email: admin@investinginethnicity.org
Virtual: Engaging the Unengaged workshop
ZoomIn our Engaging the Unengaged workshop, we look at sharing smart working practices for Network Groups, getting the most out of a co-ordinated pursuit of network group objectives. We will review our network group stakeholders and what we need from them. Using a DEI Response model published in the Harvard Business Review, to understand how […]
Virtual: Monthly Drop-in Session (January)!
We’re excited to announce the launch of our Monthly Virtual Drop-in sessions. These sessions will provide a space for sharing updates, discussing key topics, and addressing any questions you might have. This forum is a unique opportunity to deepen your engagement and build meaningful connections within our community. Use the links below to register: 22 January 2025 - General […]