The Maturity Matrix provides a framework to help organisations thrive within the Ethnicity Agenda. This page will take you through how to prepare and submit the Matrix, a timeline of key dates, how the Matrix is scored, levels of accreditation, and average performance levels.
Key dates for the Maturity Matrix 2024
Preparation and Submission
Use the Matrix for Internal Reference
Organisations have first audited their existing strategy and framework using the Matrix.
How: After reading our FAQ page, register your interest, here which will allow you to download our guidance and internal audit sheet in Excel to go over the questions and begin your internal audihttp://completet. Get familiar with the six categories and how the questions are broken down. Engage with stakeholders across the organisation to gather information needed to submit.
Submit the Matrix Online
Once you have finished your information gathering stage, head over to our Matrix Page to submit online. Submission can take as little as 60 minutes, and you can stop and save halfway through, returning to complete within 30 days.
How: You can submit the Matrix on our website between 1 April and 30 June.
Get Accredited
All companies submitting their results will get a summary report back and accreditation if reaching Level 1, which compares scoring across categories, subcategories, levels and tags. The Accreditation Level gives organisations an indication of where to start on their journey and what recommendations are more involved. Accreditation Level is based on the total number of points received. Tags give those filling in the Matrix more information on the area of the recommendation. Using the online version of the Matrix will allow you to search recommendations by ‘Tag.’
Scoring 2023
All questions can be answered with Yes, No, or Planned and are allocated a point each. Planned actions are not counted as points, but will help with our report and consultation after submission. The points are divided into the categories and subcategories as listed in the graphic on the right.
We do not require evidence for submissions as we want the process to be time-efficient. However, we may spot check your submission and ask for case studies to be submitted.
Additional Information can be provided as part of submission in the following areas:
Proof of transparency through action plans, annual reporting and Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting
Confirming disclosure rates
Any other information on impact you can provide for each section.
Weighted Points
Weighted scoring for each recommendations was introduced in 2022 to give a better reflection on how your organisation is benchmarking against our other organisations (average scores).Weighted scores are determined based on a mixture of the following for each recommendation:
- Impact: This score is based on the impact the associated recommendation would create. Higher impact scores will have a greater relevance in driving organisation change within the ethnicity agenda.
- Resources and difficulty: The scoring for this is determined by how much resource and the difficulty in getting sign off on the associated recommendation.
Levels Of Maturity
The Maturity Matrix has four levels of accreditation based on the total number of points scored. Each recommendation is worth a point and scoring is based on reaching a minimum number of total points in each level of accreditation.
Level 1
Investing in Ethnicity Employer
Organisations must achieve a score above 30 points to be rated an Investing in Ethnicity Employer.
Level 2
Star Employer
Organisations must score between 60 and 89 points to be rated a Star Employer.
Level 3
Advanced Employer
Organisations must score between 90 and 119 points to be rated an Advanced Employer.
Level 4: Exemplary Employer
Exemplary Employer
Organisations must score 120 points or more to be achieve an Exemplary Employer accreditation.
Supported By Government
The Maturity Matrix is backed by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Governance and Inclusive Leadership.
Ethnicity Awards: Outstanding Employer 2023
This year the organisations that are leading the way in completion of the Matrix and can demonstrate sustainable impact through implementation of the recommendations will be announced in the Ethnicity Awards Top 10 Employers.
The Top 10 Employers will be announced on 27 July 2023.
The final winner will be determined through interviewing and spot checking evidence, and announced at the Ethnicity Awards 2023 on 2 November in London.
Get involved in the awards
The Ethnicity Awards celebrates communities, celebrities and businesses each year.
Email to find out more