Additional Information
Thank you for submitting the Matrix, you will receive a summary and where you have been accredited (this is an indication of which level you have achieved but will be confirmed by the team).
Members will receive a full report which will include next steps and a consultation. Please let us know if you would like further information, email
Your submission requires minimal evidence, however we do reserve the right to spot check evidence and ask for case studies to be submitted on particular areas to help others with the ethnicity agenda.
All your information will be confidential and any feedback, reports or consultations will be based sent to your organisation. We will not share your information with any third party.
We will collate all information submitted and use data anonymously to analyse trends and inform on reporting.
For more information on our Privacy Policy:
By filling out the Matrix you agree to these terms and conditions
Ethnicity Awards Top 10s and Outstanding Employer
If you didn’t check ‘Opt-Out’ of being submitted for the Ethnicity Awards, your entry will be included in the submission for the Top 10 Employers. Please give evidence of impact and innovation in the section at the end of each category labelled:
The Top 10s will be announced on 27 July. The Ethnicity Awards’ Outstanding Employer will be determined from the Top 10s and announced on 2 November.
To determine the winner of the Ethnicity Awards Outstanding Employer category, the top 10 employers will be interviewed approximately six weeks before the Ethnicity Awards (2 November 2023) to confirm scoring and measure the impact on progress within the ethnicity agenda.